Niels i am still waiting on GeoFence docs? ... any news

Jody Garnett

On 7 October 2015 at 05:28, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Hi Jody, Gabriel, Kevin
> I have been  porting all modules to use the resources system consistently
> and only use files when necessary (usually external library). I still
> stumbled upon two minor questions/issues I wanted to discuss.
> 1. Usage of the "data" directory. At the moment the import from data
> directory -> jdbc store ignores the "data" directory. In a clustered
> environment, this directory thus remains instance specific, and it would be
> up to the user to refer to shared files. At this moment, there is no reason
> why we couldn't include the data dir in the jdbcstore and cache it before
> loading the geotools datastore. This is actually what my modified version
> of the rest service already does because it uses resources everywhere.
> Another idea, was to program the jdbcstore to return file based resources
> only when the "data" directory is used, so that it definitely will never
> store those files in the database unnecessarily.
> 2. In the jdbcstore, should the children of a directory be cached when
> dir() is called? The DataDirectory class uses the dir() method to know the
> root of the data directory, causing the whole data directory to be cached
> at once multiple times unnecessarily, since the root dir is usually
> requested just to know the path for some reason (all code where it actually
> needs files in the data dir, have been replaced by resources). We now
> always want to use resources as long as possible, only calling file() at
> the last moment if necessary. As a consequence the dir() method is actually
> hardly used for the purpose or getting all the files inside that dir. I
> would suggest on calling dir() only to create the dir if it doesn't exist
> yet and not cache its children. There is only one part of code left where
> that would pose a problem, the community module "validation", which passes
> on a whole dir to its geotools counterpart. This however could be changed
> in the geotools module to pass on a collection of files instead.
> After this change, I wonder if we should make a doc page on the proper
> practices of using the Resource API in order to be clustering-safe.
> Regards
> Niels
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