Here is a branch where I am exploring the ideas brought up in our

So what is going to happen if you are not use the FileSystemResourcestore?

The method GeoServerResourceLoader.lookupGeoServerDataDirectory(servletContext)
be used to obtain the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIRECTORY location, it should be
retrieved from GeoServerResourceLoader.getBaseDirectory(). If we need to
adjust method / wrappers / constructor order to make that happen so be it :)

> The baseDirectory is really necessary, several pieces of code depend on
> it, including classes loaded by Spring as well that need it to be there.

I understand, it would help if we can short-list those cases so we can use
them to know "when we are done".

The GeoServerResourceLoader is created around the ResourceStore, so the
> ResourceStore itself cannot set a property of the ResourceLoader on its
> initialisation. So what's going to happen? If the ResourceStore doesn't
> provide it, what will? And if something else provides it, why the need for
> the FileSystemResourceStore still providing it?

The only reason FileSystemResourceStore is providing something is to fake
out the system for testing purposes. This is what I meant about separating
out the "real use" from the "test case" use.

We use a subclass of FileSystemResourceStore that obtains the value from
GeoServerResourceLoader.lookupGeoServerDataDirectory(servletContext) during
a real run.

I know that you think that the JDBCResourceStore should not advertise a
> directory, but the point is this: even then GeoServer still relies on a
> file system directory and the JDBCResourceStore knows that directory (for
> importing & caching).

We can adjust the api for JDBCResourceStore to provide a directory, we just
need to ensure it gets that value from GeoServerResourceLoader.lookup

> In my opinion the only real alternative to having a getBaseDirectory for
> every resource store is to get rid of the
> GeoServerResourceLoader.baseDirectory altogether. That would be the only
> way to be truly consistent with your philosophy: that there should be no
> assumption by GeoServerResourceLoader that the store is file/directory
> based.

That is fine, to pull that off we still need to find a home for the value
(for the code that needs file access). We could take this responsibility
away from ResourceLoader and keep the GeoServerDataDirectory.root() method
alive (I am glad to see most of the other methods there are deprecated and
being replaced).

We could also force each ResourceStore (including JDBCResourceStore) to
provide a getBaseDirectory() method as outlined above.

Then we could still cache the result of
> GeoServerResourceLoader.lookupGeoServerDataDirectory(servletContext) in a
> static variable, which was my second suggestion, and perhaps slowly moving
> away from using it altogether.

I hope to quickly move away from it. Even for uses like geowebcache and
importer they are mostly looking up a directory of their own choosing
(rather than assuming a path relative to GEOSERVER_DATA_DIRECTORY).
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