On 2016-08-10 01:20 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Simone Giannecchini
> <simone.giannecch...@geo-solutions.it
> <mailto:simone.giannecch...@geo-solutions.it>> wrote:
>     -1- we should account for reviews in the GSIP process, although we
>     don't want that for each individual fix but for larger, new
>     functionalities, yes we should.
>     -2- accounting for reviews should not lead to delays for who is
>     proposing the change. So there should be a fixed windows for reviews
> While I agree, I also believe that no GSIP should go in without some
> for of review. 
> While the interested parties can earmark a review, we should not allow
> some strategically (or luckily) placed
> GSIP pull request to just go in without any form of scrutiny.
> A second pair of eyes, even if it's just a serious coworker ones,
> should be applied
Yes, I think that's what we all meant.  There is still the usual
procedure for merging a pull request in that a committer other than the
author should review it, this would be an additional requirement that
anyone who registered a desire to review during discussion of the GSIP
must be given a week to do so regardless of any other review, although
the requested review can count as the standard review.
>     So I am fine with something along what Ben proposes:
>     - I can say I'd like to review
>     - I have to do it within 1W at most, that time passed the proposer can
>     hit the merge button (or someone con do it for him)
> I can live with that, but with a few amendments:
> - For a particularly large request the people volunteering for a
> review should
>   be allowed to request more time (e.g. think of the resource switch,
> so large that it broke dead the github diff page)
> - No GSIP related pull request ever gets in without someone reviewing
> it and the proposer answering the feedback either by providing
> explanations, or fixing/completing the code. 
> - The pull request does not go in until all feedback is addressed, for
> disagreements on what should be done the question is brought to the
> PSC for discussion
> - A GSIP is normally committed in one shot, with all the bits required
> (tests, docs). The proposer can ask the PSC for leniency in special
> occasions, the PSC will decide if it's ok to allow the
> split/incremental application
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
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