
- windows server, java 1.8.0, Tomcat, Geoserver 2.9.1 (war), gdal
extension + ecw-plugin

I have gdal/ecw working using most of info from
and some other googling sources

BUT because this is also a machine to check data on, I want to install
QGIS/ogr etc etc on it (using osgeo4w installer!).

Then I thought that it should be possible to use the native gdal libs
from osgeo4w for the GDAL extension (instead of the GDAL-installer
downloaded from [0].

But failed.

While gdalinfo.exe (from osgeo4w) shows me ecw, the java gdalinfo
version (copied from the GDAL/other install) gave me a:
"no gdaljni in java.library.path" error
Copying the gdaljni from the other install in the osgeo4w bin directory
changed the error to:
"Can't find dependent libraries"
I understand that the libs from the GDAL-install are (off course) needed
by the gdaljni.dll... but I do not want to mixup the GDAL-install libs
into the osgeo4w bin dir (also because there are duplicates, and I'm not
sure about different versions).

So to make a long story short: "is it possible to use the Osgeo4W64
installed GDAL (+plugins) from within Geoserver?"

Or is there too much dependencies in gdaljni that it is too much work to
bring it to osgeo4w?

Or am I creating a problem here, and should I just install gdal twice :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde


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