On 2016-11-22 11:16 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Kevin Smith <smit...@draconic.ca
> <mailto:smit...@draconic.ca>> wrote:
>     Looks reasonable, although the fact that layers within secured tree
>     groups would be secured under WMS but not under other protocols is
>     unintuitive.
> Err... the people at the PSC meeting seemed to think otherwise?
> Setting up security this way is actually more work than limiting it to
> WMS ;-)
Sorry, I meant that it's *potentially* unintuitive. It certainly does
make sense doing it the proposed way, but a user thinking about it a
different way could be confused by it.  That's why I only suggested
clarifying it rather than changing it.
>       I see why it is that way but we should be careful to avoid
>     anything that leads users to think they have secured something
>     that they
>     have not.  The UI for managing layer group security should probably
>     include a clear notice of this behaviour and I think it should be
>     mentioned anywhere setting security that could apply to layer groups
>     comes up in the docs.
> That can be easily done

Cool, +1 then.

Kevin Michael Smith

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