GeoTools/ GeoServer meeting 7/3/17

Attending: Jody, Ian, Torben, Kevin, Jukka, Andrea



   Release planning for release candidate

   CodeSprint planning  and technical decisions

   GEOT-5632 SLD 1.0 / SE 1.1 Differences

   Library Upgrades / Wicket Upgrade Discussion

   Bug Stomp Discussion / Cleanup



   JG/?? Release Thursday/Friday

   DB: Look at dependency upgrade for GEOS-7920

   All: Look for code sprint sponsors

   TB/JG: Find most complicated REST finder, and sort out an approach as
   part of prep

Release planning for Release Candidate

Release delayed for bug stomp: GT 17-RC1 / GS 2.11-RC1 / GWC 1.11-RC1

Release volunteer(s):


   Jody Volunteered to work on this Thursday/Friday (after bug stomp)

   Need to make new builds and branches

Did we get any response to the beta on Jira?


   nothing specific

   Review for anything serious / regressions

GeoServer Search Here
(14 issues - 5 open)


   GEOS-7997 Vector Tiles are not displaying correctly using Mapbox GL


   GEOS-7920 Vector Tile Extension on Geoserver look "ugly" on MapBox GL JS

   GEOS-8010 Regression: dbtype and filetype store arguments should not be

GeoTools Search Here
(8 issues)


   GEOT-5590 Build Failure on Windows

   GEOT-5588 SVGGraphicsFactoryTest testLocalURLXEE windows failure

Nothing above should hold up the RC1, we could take a run on the windows
build failures during RC timeline.

Consider: Upgrading dependencies now for RC1 (see agenda topic below)
CodeSprint planning and technical decisions



   Hotel? Talk to Simone for details/recommendations

   Transport? Consider rental car (should be able to share or carpool)

   Email with travel receipt for reimbursement

   We are WAY OVER BUDGET ON TRAVEL (due to everyone booking late)

      Please reach out to sponsors; or we will be making the next teams
      sprint planning harder (Looking to make up 1-2k here)

      Astun - can we ask them?

      Vivid - may be interested due to work on REST API

      Please consider who you can ask

A lot of prep is needed before we hit the ground March 27th.


   We dug into REST API docs (that is not our biggest technical risk)

   Want to have a working example to start from

      Toreben recommend the Style endpoint as being straightforward


      1) make sure we have decent tests to start from before migration

         XML good

         JSON weaker (check and possibly add)

         Ideally we want an actual response for a regressions test

      2) Migrate to Spring MVC

         Resource → Controller class annotated with end points

         Use example for guide to use of annotations

            Intend to heavily use annotations

            Pull variable names out of paths

      3) Migrate JSON and XML bindings (should be able to re-use)

         JSON 1.2 upgrade planned

      4) Carefully migrate controller path management

         One controller per resource, from then on in configured by

         risk: Finders can have some logic

            Action: Find most complicated finder, and sort out an approach
            as part of prep

      5) Endpoint discussion

      6) Risk Importer

         This is not normal rest config

         This is a very flexible

      7) Risk Resource Store

         Simple design, but supports arbitrary paths

8) Other extensions / community modules to look out for



            Monitor, importer, xslt


            sld service, scripting, rest-upload, jms-cluster, geofence,

            Geogig has a custom rest endpoint

      9) Doc prep


         RST Example

   Output of prep:

      Notes and examples

Any open technical questions / risks:


   Doc automation? Jody does not care we just need to pick one :)

   Solid example of migrating bindings showing use of xstream



   JG/TB/KS have some prep time

   Expect some discussion on the email list

GEOT-5632 and SLD 1.0 / SE 1.1 Differences


SE 1.1 has anchorPoint x=0.5 y=0.5 (for both labelPlacement and

SLD 1.0 has anchorPoint x=0.0 y=0.5 for labelPlacement, and mandates 0.5
and 0.5 for the point symbolizer, without any way to change it

So we sort this out in the parser, by the time we hit the SLDStyleFactory
it is too late :(



   SLD - this is our library default

   SE - fill in the default values

   CSS - maps direct to SLD 1.0 defaults (so it should be fine)

   ysld - should fill all the values (it does not rely on geotools defaults)

   mbstyle - should fill all the values (it does not rely on geotools



   Warning that fixing GEOT-5632 will have some visual changes for the

   Take SLD 1.0/SE 1.1 into a new bug!

[image: achorPoint.png]
Library Upgrades / Wicket Upgrade Discussion

Library upgrades:


   wicket (see email for 7.6.0 recommendation)



   Jetty? etc..

   going to stick with wicket

Bug Stomp Discussion / Cleanup


   See GEOT-5632 above

   GEOT-5461 Ian asks for help encoding the transaction

      dblasby found that gt-wfs-ng was sending a WFS 2.0 request the wrong
      version of GML??

      Justin may be able to help

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