working on the OSM-bright clone I've stumbled into an interesting approach
that couples
avoiding loading polygons that are too small, along with eliminating the
issue of repeated
labels on very large polygons.

Here is OSM-bright approach:

   - Precompute the area of the polygons (called way_area in the database)
   - Have variables providing the width/height of a pixel, in meters,
   pixel_width, pixel_height (in OSM the data is both stored and rendered in
   - Use these to avoid loading polygons whose area is too small to
   contribute anything significant, e.g.:
      - "... AND way_area > 100*!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real"
      (used to load polygons for labelling purposes, only if they are at least
      100 square pixels)
      - "... AND way_area > 0.01*!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real"
      (used to avoid loading polygons that are just too small, less than 0.01
      square pixels)
   - Use these to avoid painting labels if the polygon they refer too
   became too big on screen (e.g., zooming on a country, at some point you
   don't want to add the country name anymore), combining:
      - "SELECT ...
      way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS
      in the query
      - "  [zoom >= 3][way_pixels > 1000][way_pixels < 360000] {" in the
      style (in other words, paint the label if the polygon is at least 100x10
      and no more than 600x600)

The approach using way_pixels is neat in that a pure scale dependency does
not account for the relative size of countries, e.g., while one wants to
hide "Germany" soon enough, at that same zoom level "Liechtenstein" (pick
any city state here) still needs to be visible.

So, I want to have something similar. A pure rendering based approach would
be to add a "max_polygon_area" vendor option, to be expressed in pixels
("goodness_of_fit" already takes care of the too small ones).
However, this still loads everything to decide, later, if it's useful to
draw or drop a certain label, with the amount of data in OSM it's smart to
pass this information down to the database.
However... this requires assuming that there is a pre-calculated area in
the db with a given name (area calculation is not super-fast, especially
for complex polygons).

So instead, I'm thinking of adding a filter function that would take a
target CRS and would return the area of a pixel in that CRS, which can then
be used
in a filter, for example:

[(way_area / pixel_area('EPSG:3857')) between 1000 AND 360000] { label:
.... }

The data access code will recognize that pixel_area does not refer to
attributes, and will optimize it out with a static value
before running the query (making it go fully down in the dbms).
Implementation wise, the pixel_area function will be in gs-wms and will
leverage the existing wms_* env variables to do
a rough job (no need to make it precise, but needs to be robus), like bbox
area over pixel area, and then do a unit conversion
if necessary (using tables to get a rough degree to meters conversion, if

What do you think?


Andrea Aime

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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

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