*GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2018-05-15AttendingAndrea AimeJukka
RahkonenTorben BarsballeKevin SmithActions from Last Meeting - Everyone:
try Jitsi, perhaps use it next time instead of Skype- Ben: report missing
mailing list emails to SourceForge [DONE]- Jody: investigate Jenkins email
subscription for geotools-devel to get notifications [DONE]- Torben: follow
up postgis configuration for Jenkins geotools-master-online-postgis build
with Nick [DONE]Actions - Andrea: ping Nuno about residual pull requests in
preparation for the big reformatTopics - Side by side editor- Hibernate
monitoring module unsupported- GeoServer 2.13.1 release- GeoServer mass
reformat- Chit chatSide by side editorGood to go? Missing bits: - Doc entry
(updates)- Jira ticket, and referring to it from commit messagesAndrea
fiddling with https://nathancahill.github.io/Split.js/
<https://nathancahill.github.io/Split.js/> but did not manage to work on
it, and for at least three other weeks.Hibernate monitoring module
unsupportedPull request here:
<https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/2881> Ready to mergeā€¦. and
merged!Release manages will have to update the release page not to link the
hibernate module anymore (was a separate zip).GeoServer 2.13.1
releaseTorben and Kevin doing the release. Merge as soon as possible if
need to be in the release.GeoServer mass reformatNeed to close down all
pull request (besides the UI translation, not affected). Andrea not sure he
can do the reformat this weekend though, family stuff will use a lot of
time.FOSS4G-NA Update:State of GeoWebCache and State of GeoServer talks
went well.*
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