So the problem isn’t what is actually in a particular build, just what we call 
it. Long term support (backporting further than we do now) is an orthogonal 
issue, and is not what I was suggesting.


I was suggesting making upgrades (potentially) easier using a combination of 
two things:

*       A different versioning scheme (see below)
*       Putting everything that might be needed in a single zip file 

Using a single zip file can reduce paperwork for getting files into certain 
environments (6 zip files = 6 times as many paperwork submissions)


The versioning scheme would be mappable to the current and future schemes:

Current plan GeoServer 2.14.0 would become GeoServer 22.0 or GeoServer 20.0, 
and would form the core of GeoServer BogoEnterprise 1.0.1 (since no-one wants 
to field 1.0.0, right 😊)

Current plan GeoServer 2.14.1 would become GeoServer 22.1 or GeoServer 20.1, 
and would form the core of GeoServer BogoEnterprise 1.0.1Mx1

Current plan GeoServer 2.15.0 would become GeoServer 23.0 or GeoServer 21.0, 
and would form the core of GeoServer BogoEnterprise 1.0.2

Note that the “GeoServer BogoEnterprise 1.0” part of the name can be anything 
(and probably should be something else). We could use “GeoServer UltraStable 


The only things that would change in an implementation sense would be to add 
another release module (to pick up all the core + extensions we want to 
include) and a rename step in the release script. It might be nice if we could 
read the version from a config file or something, and to generate docs with a 
different cover page, but that isn’t really that important.



From: Chris Snider <> 
Sent: Saturday, 14 July 2018 2:51 AM
To: Andrea Aime <>; Brad Hards <>
Cc: Geoserver-devel <>
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-devel] Thinking out loud... should the next GeoServer 
be "GeoServer 22.0"?


As Andrea stated in another email on the thread, this is for discussion and not 
an direct contradiction to changing the versioning scheme.  Mostly it is to 
raise awareness on how some customers treat product upgrades, 


However, I did raise the question with several product owners in the company, 
and the general consensus confirms my initial thought that it would be more 
difficult to move to newer “major” releases.  


Chris Snider

Senior Software Engineer


From: Andrea Aime [] 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 12:50 AM
To: Brad Hards < <> >
Cc: Geoserver-devel < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Thinking out loud... should the next GeoServer 
be "GeoServer 22.0"?


On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 12:13 AM, < 
<> > wrote:

I do get Chris’ concern (its mainly a US DoD thing – version numbers define the 
amount of testing and the authorities / paper work required; makes no sense at 
all, just policy). One work around could be an “Enterprise GeoServer” product


A enterprise/LTS version has been discussed a number of times.


Community wise, it's normally costly. It's already hard enough to backport 
something from master to 2.12.x (gave up a 

number of times already), trying to keep fixes going back on something older is 
going to be even more challenging.

As said in other threads, I believe we are at full capacity (well, beyond it 
imho) and need to reduce effort, not increase it further.

Unless one can argue that having a LTS would bring more devs acting as 
maintainers to the project (key-word being

maintainer, more occasional contributors would just add to the existing 
maintainers plate, which is already overflowing).


A way to justify that is if the enterprise version is a paid product, then you 
can justify spending hours porting back

a 10 liner because there is a revenue stream attached. That has also been 
tried, kept around for a while,

was not well received by the potential customers and then dropped.






GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions 
S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: 
+39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
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