Hi Andrea,

thanks for you answers, inline some comments.

> end up with a "EPSG:404000" (a joke on HTTP 404) and mosaic in older
> versions of GeoServer could not handle that. Check out 2.14-RC, that should
> mosaic files without georeferencing... althought I'm guessing it's not
> what you want.
> Also, I'd recomment not to use ArcGrid sources for anything but small
> experiments,
> reading from text files is slow.
> With no requirements against it, I'd gdal_translate everything and add a
> CRS into in the process.

Geoserver here is just a small part in a tool-chain in which another old
(fortran) lib generates/models predictions about the route of a cloud of
smoke. The output historicaly is .asc as it was totally not gis-aware.
My plan was to use a simple python script which would use the asc files
and via Geoserver-REST then would register a mosaic and a
time-dimension-aware WMS-T layer. To be picked up by one of this
beautifull simple leaflet client

Adding gdal to this mix would make it a little more complicated, so I
was hoping to not need to translate any of the output.

My 'problem' is that if I think that something should work, I tend to
mixup the (dutch?) rule: "why make it difficult, if you can do it easy" :(

>     Apparently the geotools lib is not aware (or does not get) the crs from
>     the indexer.properties file?
> I believe it does not, and was never meant to. Is the documentation
> suggesting that it should?
> Maybe there is a misunderstanding on "MosaicCRS", which is the "mosaic CRS",
> not the granules one, and it's used when you have multiple crs in input
> (as we it has to pretend the mosaic to be uniform, it needs to know
> which one to use).
> If this is the one, could you please suggest how to reword its
> description to avoid confusion?

No, documentation/info on google is clear: don't use asc files :-)
But indeed reading the release notes of 2.14 I was encouraged to try it
(again...)..And as said: for our toolchain it would be easiest if I
could point Geoserver straight to the fortran output dir.

> The link you are providing does not work, did you use this?
> http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28992/ogcwkt/
> Also, there is millions of ways of "does not work", did not work how?

>From http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28992/ I took the .PRJ File
option. But I now see that the OGC WKT file is probably better...

My 2 hurdles:

- [fixed] first I failed to register a non epsg:4326 asc file (as in:
the generated index shape did not take up all granules, but just one.
But that one is fixed by adding the .prj files ...

- [open] the second 'does not work', which I think should work (?) is
just creating a WMS from a mosaic from the Geoserver data example .asc
file, see https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-8912

You can registre the store and layer, but the WMS fails.
My gut feeling first was that Geotools is messing up coordinate
transformations, but later I found that even the 4326 example did not
create a working wms (as in Layer Preview shows an error). I'll try to
do some further debugging.

I think for me it is wisest to use GeoTiffs indeed, but I still think
GEOS-8912 is a valid issue ;-)

Regards & thanks again for all the Geoserver work!

Richard Duivenvoorde

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