happy to see more clients for the configuration REST API showing up :-)

I think examples based on geosapi could fit well in this page:

Right now we have "Examples", and they are all curl based... maybe the
easiest thing is to rename those into "CURL Examples"
and add a new section with links to "geosapi" examples. Let's hear if
others have alternative proposals on where to place it.

About the mechanics of the contribution, the documentation is written using
Sphinx and part of GeoServer sources, here:
So, a PR would be the way to contribute changes to it.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 11:08 AM Emmanuel Blondel (GMAIL) <
emmanuel.blond...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Geoserver development team,
> I contact you to ask you advice on the procedure to add code examples in
> the GeoServer online documentation on how to interact with the REST API by
> means of the R software.
> Indeed i've been developing an R package called *geosapi* (
> https://github.com/eblondel/geosapi/wiki) that is used as R interface to
> the GeoServer REST API.
> It is not robust as the equivalent Java *geoserver-manager, *but *geosapi*
> already offers a range of operations, including CRUD operations for 
> *workspaces,
> namespaces, datastores, featuretypes, layer*s and *styles, *as well as
> the methods to upload data to Geoserver. geosapi still miss the features to
> manipulate coverage stores, but I hope this will come soon. The R package
> also follows a clear testing procedure, with regular integration tests, and
> it is already under release lifecycle for the official CRAN packages
> repository (https://cran.r-project.org/package=geosapi).
> Although there is extensive documentation on *geosapi*, both online and
> through the embedded R document, I believe it could be valuable to add some
> entry point through the Geoserver documentation here
> http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/rest/index.html
> Looking forward to your advice,
> Best regards,
> Emmanuel
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