On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 11:49 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>

> Good discussion, comments inline, and I think we may done our strategy.
>>    - geotools, removed the "--add-modules", added jaxb and activation to
>>    imagemosaic and solr, one odd test failure that I have ignored for the
>>    moment (it's about checking one init clause), some differences in 
>> rendering
>>    that I still need to look into, but PR (just for the sake of having a 
>> look,
>>    please don't merge) here:
>>    https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/2100
>> I really like those activation dependencies, the other examples I found
> online were far more complicated. Fixing the java docs also does not look
> too difficult.

I don't think e we really need the doclet anymore, do we? Haven't used them
in such a long time.... I'd rather throw away the doclet
and clean up the special comments it was using in the source code (could be
another relatively easy to automate mass change).

> with java 8 I build in 4:30 (with a -T8 on a 8 core CPU),
>> on java 11 it takes 7+ minutes (holy cow!)
> That must of been a lot of warnings, or is the new compiler just slower?

No idea, did not check, but it's something that we want to investigate, the
time increase is just insane and going to badly affect our

> That needs to be vetted carefully, but yes, I guess we can work on some
>> depdencies upgrade while repackaging happens.
> Any other good ideas on how to work across timezones and teams? And we
> should start making a list of participants to have ready for "day 1".

Work across timezones can be beneficial or detrimental, depends on how we
plan it.
We do have an hour or two of overlap at the end of european day/start of
west coast day, that we can use to synch up.
What is important is that when  one group gets close to end of day,
whatever they did is either completely isolated,
or finished and committed, but we must not allow work in progress that
would keep the other team hanging.
In case there is WIP that would stop the other team progress I'd recommend
the person working on it to commit
on a visible branch on the project repo, and find someone in the other team
that can take it over and bring it to
completion, and use that overlap time to talk and pass over whatever
knowledge is needed to do that.
However, that will work only on the EU->CA switch, the other way around,
maybe send mails with the description?
Since we are distributed we'll also need some central place (jira? gdocs
spreadsheet?) where there are all the tasks and a clear vision
of who's working on what.


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