
Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett

Jukka Rahkonen

Kevin Smith



   Do we want to change the time of the 19:30 UTC meeting now that Ben has
   stepped down?

   OSGeo unspent budget

   QGIS Export of raster symbolizer

   JDK 11 Sprint follow-up

      JDK 11 Blog post

   2.14.1 release scheduled for this week - call for volunteers

   GeoServer + GeoWebCache Doc migration

Actions from Last meeting


   Discuss topics on email



   Jody: Take meeting time proposal to mailing list [DONE]

   Jody: Update QGIS raster export proposal - +$1.5k to budget and call for
   vote [DONE]

   All: Vote on QGIS raster export proposal

   All: Anyone have time to fix the outstanding JDK 11 issues?

   Jody: send "release train" email for friday (since this falls on the
   weekend) [DONE]

Meeting time


   Change to earlier time-slot for this meeting?

      consider dropping down to half an hour

   Motion: Change to 16:00 UTC for half an hour on jitsi

      action: Jody taking proposal to email list.

OSGeo Unspent Budget

2018 Budget review:


   GeoTools: $1.5k  - attend bonn code sprint to support JAI replacement,
   attend AGM

      1.5k added by OSGeo:UK for QGIS / GeoTools interoperability

   GeoServer: $1k - general project expenses

   GeoWebCache: via incubation committee

Ideas for remained of 2018:


   "code-sprint" t-shirts

      Kevin: Maybe logos of participating projects on jigsaw puzzle pieces?

   "project specific shirts" to send out to contributors

      single color shirt two-color logo

      "I am a GeoServer Contributor" on the front

      OSGeo Project log on the back (very small)

      Jody proposes picking up $1k and taking to marketing committee for
      the above

   contribute to the QGIS raster symbolizer export

      "add a tutorial to the geoserver manual" ← adds value to above

      "add mapping between QGIS functions and GeoTools functions"? ←
      probably too much work

      proposal: Add $1500 from geoserver budget to this proposal with an
      additional deliverable of a tutorial for the GeoServer manual.

         action: take to existing email discussion for vote.

Start thinking about 2019 budget, need to make the request in December :)


   JAI if it happens in 2019 it will be a large activity

   java roadmap will be an ongoing cost

      Do we want to focus on the LTS? probably

      Running on last LTS and current "master" would be least risk

   Send officers to AGM?

   OSGeo code sprint participation?

QGIS Export of raster symbolizer

See budget discussion above, and update to proposal on Mailing list.
JDK 11 Sprint Follow-up


   Jody provided an update to the board with respect to sponsorship, budget
   and osgeo hosting the event and what it means to the projects.

   Aside: reporting back positive feedback from customers (impressed this
   was done at all, and that it was "done" so quickly)

   Finish up sprint split-package goal and unfreezing master [DONE]

      What else is left - see

         App-schema split packages

         ArcSDE internal split package

         sqlite/spatialite split package

         JAIExt scale split package

      anything else

         jody has a split of gt-metadata into gt-metadata and gt-util

   Running up t-shirts for sprint participants

      jody has taken an action to ask marketing committee for design and


      We need migration instructions for GeoTools

         Turn the spreadsheet into sed script?

      For GeoServer we to update the Production Considerations section for
      Java 11


   Blog post:

      Publish once upgrade and production consideration docs are ready to
      link to

      We have a responsibility to thank sponsors in the blog post, and
      release announcements.

   Schedule a milestone “release” based on our results for sometime in

      We probably want to be able to release a jar bundle compiled on Java
      11 (for both GeoTools, GeoWebCache, and GeoServer) alongside the regular

      alternative: consider releasing early? RC end of december, release in

         This is subject to the split-package work being completed

         Writing migration documentation, and blog posts

         See "actions" below, will propose if successful by the 30th



   Anyone have time?
   (May need to address via Nov 30th bug stomp - sigh)

2.14.1 GeoServer Release - Call for volunteers


   Jody has volunteered

   Torben as backup / GWC



   sent "release train" email for friday (since this falls on the weekend)

GeoServer / GeoWebCache doc migration

Doc migration started during code sprint.

GS Doc builds fixed last week.

Swagger docs are currently broken. Planning on investigating if the swagger
docs can be hosted statically.

For GeoWebCache - doesn't work,  does (you need the index.html
as part of the URL).
Geoserver-devel mailing list

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