I've had users which because of the simplicity to create them (when you use 
Fortran als programming language...), used them to create time series for 
(dispersion) models.
So that could be an argument?

I've had a  lot of fun setting these up for Geoserver...
(so I would not vote for complete code removal, unless I was the only user for 
ascii grids :-))

(now moving to netcdf...)


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 6/12/23 17:44, Andrea Aime wrote:
Hi all,
with this mail I want to discuss the eventual removal of the ASCII grid
output format from the WCS codebase.

The output format produces the classic ESRI ASCII grid, a text based export 
format suitable only for single banded raster data.
I was discussing with Simone about it, and we are skeptical about its current 

  * Limited functionality, due to single band support
  * Inefficient format, and inefficient implementation (dumps to file first, 
streams out later, inviting timeouts)
  * Difficult to discover MIME,  it's reported as "application/x-gzip" along 
the output formats
  * Unaware of significant usage in the wild
  * The GML grid output format provides a better alternative, still human 
readable, but human readable and can be streamed

If you disagree, we'd like to hear why.
If you agree, what option should we follow? Two ideas:

  * Simple code removal, not worth spending extra effort
  * Migration to community module, to provide soft landing for those that might 
have been using it



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