Hello Emilio!

It is really nice to hear from CCRi thank you for contacting us.  It would
be *very* helpful, while a fair amount of work is outlined (planning ahead)
only a few activities are moving.

It is always a risk sharing roadmap information for an open source project
from a funding perspective.

I am going to write an update Q2 roadmap blog post focusing just on:

   - Goals that are in progress now - Wicket Update
   - Goals that are actionable now - Spring-security update/rewrite for
   OAuth2 client / ImageN
   - Upcoming activities that have attracted in-kind or financial support

Thus far we have not gotten sufficient financial / inkind response response
to do planning, but at least folks are talking :)​

If it is okay with you I will list CCRi as committed for spring-framework
update 'in-kind" activity in the hopes of attracting greater participation:

   - My understanding is if we add some Java startup parameters to "open
   javax" this activity could be worked ahead of ImageN availability.
   - Even if spring-framework upgrade cannot be worked on directly in July
   - some of the actives will be available and unblocked
   - If I know CCRi is available I can work with my employer GeoCat to be
   available in July-September timeframe

Jody Garnett

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 7:07 AM Lahr-Vivaz, Emilio <
emilio.lahr-vi...@ga-ccri.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> My company is interested in running GeoServer with Spring 6, and
> considering if we can provide development support to help with that
> upgrade. I see from the roadmap
> <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Jakarta-EE> that there is a
> fair amount of work in progress, and a lot left to do. Would development
> work in the July-September time frame be helpful, and if so are there any
> particular tasks we could sign up for?
> Thanks,
> Emilio
> *Emilio Lahr-Vivaz*
> General Atomics, CCRi
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