On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Robert Buckley
<robertdbuck...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> @Ian.  There is (in germany) a concept to introduce a nation wide data format
> based on GML. It is called XPlanGML and is there to provide a standardized
> format for Landuse Plans. This data format is created through an extention in 
> a
> well known software product. I know that this can then be uploaded as a 
> dataset
> in deegree and served as wms.

Try http://docs.geoserver.org/2.0.0/user/data/gml.html to read it
natively but for any sort of speed you are going to want to put it
into PostGIS (or other database).


Ian Turton

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