On 23/09/2010 01:30, terry.rank...@csiro.au wrote:
> Hi All
> This is a tomcat6 question - but someone else may know...
> I am currently experiencing the different XY behaviour (WFS 1.1, 1.0 behave 
> differently by default) in a vanilla geoserver 2.0.2.
> I dont want to set the system property like 
> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/The+axis+order+issue
> suggests, as I have other applications running in my container.
> How do I do this:
> System.setProperty("org.geotools.referencing.forceXY", "true");
> inside my webapp (not at container level - at the context level?)

In GeoServer we set that option in the GeoServerInitStartupListener.
Maybe you can roll your own servlet context variable that is
read by the above listener and makes it set the system variable

The timing when that variable is set is crucial: it has to be before
anything starts hitting the CRS subsystem, once that happens changing
the variable will have no effect.

Also, have no idea what will happen to other applications starting
in parallel, if they also use geotools you might get odd results.

Also mind, a WFS 1.1.0 that returns data in lon/lat order for GML3 is
not compliant.


Andrea Aime
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