On 11 November 2011 09:30, Gis Mage <gism...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, guys!
> I'm just looking for a way to reduce the length of a request, because
> I'm requesting a lot of layers at once.
> Layer group is not an option, because the list of the layers is being
> formed programatically.

You only need to set the actual layer you are interested in in both
> WFS GetFeature is cool, but I guess it requires proxy - I have to
> investigate that.

Actually a getFeatureInfo request will require a proxy too (iff you
are running the server on a different host/port combo than the map).

> So the smaller the BBOX and HEIGHT/WIDTH, the faster a client gets a
> response, right?

Not really but you'll lose accuracy if you make them too small.


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