There is a hole in my overlay even though there is underlying data.

Attached is a picture from  the layer previewer.  The value (1.0)  is the mouse 
click shown in the picture.

The style is as follows.  Shouldn't my selected point be the Moderate Impact 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns=""; 
xmlns:sld=""; xmlns:ogc=""; 
xmlns:gml=""; version="1.0.0">


    <sld:Name>nrdb summary threshold</sld:Name>


      <sld:Name>nrdb summary threshold</sld:Name>

      <sld:Title>nrdb summary threshold</sld:Title>

      <sld:Abstract>NRDB Threshold SLD for Asset and Rollup 






            <sld:ColorMap type="values">

              <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#008000" opacity="1.0" quantity="0.0" 
label="No Impact"/>

              <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FFF500" opacity="1.0" quantity="1.0" 
label="Moderate Impact"/>

              <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#BBBBBB" opacity="1.0" quantity="2.0" 
label="Missing Data"/>

              <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF0000" opacity="1.0" quantity="3.0" 
label="Significant Impact"/>








Thank You


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