Hi All,

I'm currently trying to diagnose a problem in my geoserver setup, which I
am increasingly starting to believe may be a bug in the geoserver GWC
implementation. Any input would be great.

My setup is as follows:
1 - A GeoTiff coverage file (EPSG4326, extent [-180, -60, 180, 85])
2 - GeoServer 2.8.1
3 - A coverage store in geoserver based on that file, same srs/extent
4 - A layer in geoserver based on that store, with a custom SLD style, same
5 - WMS enabled & GWC set for direct integration into the WMS
6 - Leaflet front end, configured to display that layer, same srs

At most zoom levels this displays correctly, but at one zoom level I get
the wrong data displayed in some tiles (screenshot:
http://i.imgur.com/jl2sNsf.png). Having traced this through, I'm confident
that the issue is on the geoserver side, not the leaflet end (the WMS GET
requests are correct). Specifically it seems that the bbox on some tile
requests is being incorrectly shifted to the top of the geotiff extent.

If I disable use of the GWC  (by removing titled=true from tile requests) I
get the correct tiles.

Has anyone encountered anything like this?

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