Geoserver 2.7.4, Tomcat7, Ubuntu 14, Java 1.7


The setup is very simple:
1 Workspace
1 Store: A PostGis table with point geometry
1 Layer from the above Store, enabled and advertised
WMS Services are global only and activated.
Layer preview in Geoserver-OpenLayers is fine.
But when I try to access the layer in a client, then the layer list is empty. I 
tried to connect to Geoserver from both QGis and Mapbender - same result: The 
connection to Geoserver works but the list of layers that is returned to the 
client by Geoserver is empty, although the layer is enabled and advertised in 
the layer settings. QGis and Mapbender work fine with other servers, so the 
problem is with Geoserver.

The same problem occurred also with a shape-file store in an earlier attempt - 
I started over from scratch after repeated failures to get this to work by 
following the simple tutorials in the documentation step-by-step, without 
Any help is very appreciated, thank you.


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