Hi Jody et al.

Thank you for your outstanding work. I was eager to try the custom legend image for a style but I'm not able to make it work. I'm using a clean 2.9.0 war deployment on Tomcat 8.0.30.

This is what I did:

1. Add a new style, let's name it "another_raster" and generate a raster SLD for it.

2. Add legend, type the name of an existing "grass_fill.png" file.

3. Click the "Auto-detect image and size" link. At this point I get "Field 'styleEditor' is required." error at the top of the screen, but all legend fields are auto filled with correct values (width and height is 32, format is image/png;charset=UTF-8).

4. Save the style and let the layer Pk50095 use it as additional style.

5. Now, when I do a WMS GetCapabilites request and track down the URL for the legend of Pk50095 I get the following: link http://hostname:port/geoserver/grass_fill.png which is incorrect. The correct link is http://hostname:port/geoserver/styles/grass_fill.png (also the docs say so: http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/datadirectory/structure.html#styles )

Also another inconvenience is that when I set a workspace (say nurc), edit the style via web UI, save it, edit it again and save it again the workspace is lost (despite the fact that during the second edit the workspace combobox is populated with what I assume is the correct value and it is sent over to the server as HTTP POST request parameter when I click on Submit).

Are these known issues or should I open a JIRA bug reports?

On 31. 5. 2016 0:41, Jody Garnett wrote:
The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.9.0:

  * http://geoserver.org/release/2.9.0/

This is the new stable release suitable for use in production. This release *requires the use of Java 8*.

Important updates:

  * Web admin application layer, preview, global settings, image
    processing and raster access screens have been updated.
  * User guide has been restructured for ease of navigation and to
    reduce duplication
  * The REST API can now be used to manage icons, fonts and
    configuration files and report on the status of installed components.
  * Internally this release features Wicket 7 and Spring 4 and the
    latest JAI-Ext library.
  * Layer bounds can now be generated from spatial reference systems
  * Styles can now be configured with a custom legend.
  * For more details please see the blog post
    and release notes  (2.9.0

Thanks to Jody and Devon (from Boundless) for publishing this release. This release was delayed for two months due to incompatibility with Java 8. Thanks for the dedicated testing a fix support from Andrea, Alessandro, Alex, Ben, Brad, Jukka, Niels, Torben and others during this long release cycle. Special thanks to sponsors of the Wicket 7 upgrade <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoServer_Code_Sprint_2016> sprint: OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/>, Boundless <http://boundlessgeo.com/>, Vivid Solutions <http://www.vividsolutions.com/>, How 2 Map <http://www.how2map.com/>, San Jose Water Company <https://www.sjwater.com/>, Transient <http://transient.nz/>, Geobeyond <http://www.geobeyond.it/> (with in-kind sponsors GeoSolutions, CCRi, Astun Technology and Voyager).
The GeoServer Team

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