Using tomcat7, geoserver 2.8 with community Geofence embedded server.

I'm struggling a bit with the Geofence REST API, see docs at

I'm able to make successful requests (GET, POST) to read users list and
create a user at the following endpoint:


However to read, alter and delete information on a specific user, I should
be able to make (GET,POST, DELETE) requests to the following endpoint:


My question is what does <user> denote in the above URI?
I have tried the following URI constructions:

*rest/usergroup/<userName>*, userName beeing the user name of the user I
want to read or

Neither works. Basic auth in requests are working since the first endpoint
described above works. The error message from tomcat gives me method not
allowed and the allowed header gives me only POST and DELETE which is not
consistent with the docs.

Anybody using the Geofence plugin and ran into the same issue?

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