Hi Paul

That sounds interesting, I will have a look at the module you mentioned.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Wittle [mailto:p.wit...@dorsetcc.gov.uk] 
Sent: 01 August 2016 09:39
To: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geosever security - WFS / WMS services and 

Hi Chris,

I work for Dorset county council and we are currently using the AUTHKEY plugin 
which is available under the community plugins. This is great from an 
OpenLayers point of view. With regard to the QGIS users, I setup a separate 
role specifically assigned to the username and password which we are using in 

Remember, as far as I'm aware, QGIS still stores the password in plain text in 
the project files so at present I felt it best to just have one account for all 
our QGIS users but I'm aware the role idea is perhaps not so great if you have 
hundreds of users.

Andrea, in terms of the monitoring plugin, can it log the user being used for 
each request?

I only wondered as the user session is maintained in the background and I'm not 
sure it is currently included in the outputs.

I still have not had time to fully review the monitoring plugin but I have been 
using the audit log functionality and I have decided that the files it creates 
are what I'm after. These can be customised using the FreeMarker templates and 
I can then write something my end to summarise the data.

This raises three questions:
        1)      Can you add the logged in user to the audit role?
        2)      Could you just have the audit role? (i.e. no other monitoring 
plugin options just audit role files)
        3)      If you can do point 1, would this help Chris solve his issues 
if he was using a specific user account for QGIS?



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 08:02:01 +0000
From: Chris Buckmaster <chris.buckmas...@runnymede.gov.uk>
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geosever security - WFS / WMS services
        and Openlayers
To: Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it>
Cc: "geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thank you Andrea, I will investigate this.

From: andrea.a...@gmail.com [mailto:andrea.a...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Andrea 
Sent: 29 July 2016 16:38
To: Chris Buckmaster
Cc: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geosever security - WFS / WMS services and 

Hi Chris,
openlayers and the desktop clients are making pretty much the same OGC 
requests, so I don't believe you can tell them apart using the built-in 
authorization mechanism.

But the mechanism is pluggable, so you could write your own that checks the 
incoming requests for hints... hard to find a solid solution, but some ideas 
off the top of my head (warning, only thought about it a split minute):
* Desktop clients _may_ setup the "user agent" HTTP header in a way that can be 
recognized, or you
  could just whitelist the user agents of most browsers (mind,   you might end 
up blocking uncommon browsers in the process, and possibly the ones in 
incognito mode too)
* If the openlayers based client is written by you, you could add an extra 
vendor parameter to the GetMap requests, it's normally
  hard/impossible to make common desktop clients to do the same.

Both approaches are weak against someone resourceful writing his own client and 
spoofing the right params/user agent values by examining your web client of 


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Chris Buckmaster 

I am running Geoserver version 2.5 and have an Openlayers 3 web map application 
which accesses some WMS and WFS services from the Geoserver instance.

At the moment I haven?t configured any authentication so it is running the 
default settings.

What I would like is to allow this to continue so my Openlayers application has 
full access to all of the layers on Geoserver, but for anyone accessing my WMS 
/ WFS (i.e through QGIS), I would like to include a username / password or 
restrict the layers visible through these services.

I have had a quick look the manual trying to understand how this works but 
cannot seem to grasp it ? I know there are authentication settings within the 
web interface, but would these not be for the whole of Geoserver? How am I able 
to allow access to my Openlayers application, but also restrict access to the 
WFS / WMS services for desktop users wanting to view my services?

Thanks, Chris


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