Thanks Edward for your feedback really appreciate

Maybe I was not clearly mentioning the problem but I'm going to register 2 
million layers in geoserver and access it via getmap WMS method one by one. Not 
all at once in one request.
I experienced the troubles with long start up time of Tomcat service if there 
is many configured layers in it. In extreme case the startup time was several 
hours. That's why I mentioned the jdbcConfig plugin which stores the 
configuration of layers in DB instead in local filesystem. With jdbcConfig the 
startup time is about several seconds instead of several hours.
Has anybody of you experience by adding a huge number of layers to geoserver?



W dniu 2017-07-21 17:35:18 użytkownik Edward Mac Gillavry 
<> napisał:
> Hi Bartek,
> The number of layers you mention sounds like a mapper's dream come true, 
> or not... The ImageMosaic extension may be of use to serve multiple 
> GeoTIFFs that make up one larger aerial image for example. I cannot 
> recommend the GeoServer on Steroids presentations by GeoSolutions 
> enough. There may be a recent version presented at FOSS4GE this week.
> Also, multiple shape files may be just there because of their 2GB file 
> size limitation, but in fact they actually cover a larger extend 
> together? In that case, you might be better off loading the separate 
> shape files into one PostGIS table, sort using ST_GeoHash and add a GIST 
> index.
> Other strategies to "divide and conquer" is to have GeoServer instances 
> per customer or instances for data sets by popularity (number of 
> requests expected).
> If you cannot reduce the number of layers using these strategies, 
> there's also the JDBCConfig community module you mentioned. I don't want 
> to dismiss it as a last resort, but reconsider your requirements to have 
> 2M layers in one instance first.
> HTH,
> Edward
> On 21-07-17 15:48, Bartek Burkot wrote:
> > Hi geoserver users
> >
> > What would be the best approach having for example 2 million 
> > shapefile/geotiff layers in geoserver? Is it possible?
> > For example I found that for tens of thousands of layers the tomcat startup 
> > time is several hours (geoserver 2.9.0, tomcat8, Java8).
> > Using jdbcconfig/postgres extension the startup time is measured in seconds 
> > instead of hours.
> > I found this improvement 
> > but still for 2 million layers the startup time would be very long (3 
> > hours).
> > Would it be a good idea having couple million layers in geoserver 
> > configured in jdbcconfig/postgres extension?
> > Is there only postgresql performance limitation and tomcat startup time 
> > limitation?
> > Your advises would be very helpful.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Bartek
> >
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