We are happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.13-beta
Downloads are available (zip
, war
, and exe
along with docs and extensions.

This is a beta release of GeoServer made in conjunction with GeoTools

We want to encourage people to test the release thoroughly and report back
any issue found. With no further delay, let’s see what’s new, that is, what
is there to test!
Isolated Workspaces

The concept of an “Isolated Workspaces” has been added to GeoServer, to
allow for reusing a namespace among multiple workspaces. In particular, an
isolated workspace allows reuse of a namespace already used by another
workspace, but its resources (layers, styles, etc …) can only be retrieved
when using that workspace’s virtual services and will only show up in those
virtual service capabilities documents.

When reusing a namespace among workspaces, exactly one of those must be
non-isolated, and the rest must be isolated; i.e. isolated workspaces have
no restrictions in namespaces usage but the existing restrictions still
apply for non isolated workspaces.

For more details, refer to the original proposal
GeoWebCache REST API

Two new endpoints have been added to the GeoWebCache REST API:

   - /gwc/rest/blobstores:
      - GET /gwc/rest/blobstores for a list of the blobstores
      - GET /gwc/rest/blobstores/{blobStoreName} for details about a single
      - PUT /gwc/rest/blobstores/{blobStoreName} to create or update a
      - DELETE /gwc/rest/blobstores/{blobStoreName} to remove a blobstore
   - /gwc/rest/gridsets:
      - GET /gwc/rest/gridsets for a list of the gridsets
      - GET /gwc/rest/gridsets/{gridSetName} for details about a single
      - PUT /gwc/rest/gridsets/{gridSetName} to create or update a gridset
      - DELETE /gwc/rest/gridsets/{gridSetName} to remove a gridset

API docs for these endpoints will be added to the GeoServer documentation
shortly. Until then, the request body syntax for PUT requests closely
matched the equivalent structures in geowebcache.xml: BlobStores
 and GridSets

The ArcGISCache backed layers are now also configurable via the REST API.

This release sees a major reworking of the configuration system in
GeoWebCache that will allow for plugging in alternate configuration
persistence mechanisms in future. While these changes should be largely
invisible to users, it is a huge update that impacts all of GeoWebCache.
However, due to these changes, we ask that you *please test the embedded
UI Improvements

Entering in URLs for data files has been improved with autocomplete – now
GeoServer will scan the path that has already been typed, and suggest
existing files within that path.

In addition, autocomplete support has been added to a number of dropdowns
which contain a long list of values, such as stores or layers. You can now
start typing the name of an option, and the visible options will be
filtered to match.
Removed OS X installers

Due to lack of resources and interest, the OS X dmg installers are no
longer being built. OS X users can still use
 the system-independent binary
New community modules

The 2.13 series comes with a few new community modules, in particular:

   - Do you want to generate GHRSST compliant outputs from GHRSST inputs?
   Try out the new GHRSST NetCDF output community module.
   - There is also a new community module
    introducing NSG profiles for the WFS and WMTS services.

Not that community modules are not part of the release; instead you can
find them in the nightly builds
Other assorted improvements

There are many bug fixes and improvements to look at in the release notes
cherry picking a few here:

   - Autocomplete support for dropdowns with long lists of values
   - Upgrade JDom library
   - REST API CORS support
   - REST improvements to list all layers in a workspace, and include the
   workspace prefix in layer listings
   - Style POST does not support non-SLD styles
   - Add WMTS RESTful API
   - Installing the XSLT plugin may cause random REST endpoints to report
   lists with transforms/transform
   - WCS 1.0.0 does not handle FORMAT parameter properly
   - Cache small amount of features in memory to avoid repeated data scans
   in GetFeature requests
   - Allow requesting both OL3 and OL2 from the client side
   - Simple feature GML 3.2.1 output schema-invalid as geometries lack
   mandatory gml:id
   - GeoPackage generated via WPS has y coordinates starting from bottom
   - Numerous WFS 2.0 bugfixes
   - Submitting a seed/truncate request for a tile layer results in a “406,
   not acceptable”
   - GWC Seed Form returns “Chunk [] is not a valid entry” message error
   when seeding a layer.
   - Demo Page does not send password

Test, test, test!

Now that you know about all the goodies, please go, download and test
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/geoserver/files/GeoServer/2.13-beta/> your
favourite ones. Let us know how it went!
About GeoServer 2.12

GeoServer 2.13 is scheduled for March 2018 release.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: 


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