Hello Sir,

I guess I would need to know more what you're trying to do. I may be able
to help a bit? My set up is a bit different , as I am running Geoserver in
a Debian Docker Container, but i am using GDAL 1.9.2 in the container.
Maybe i can be of some help.


On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 5:11 AM, Ville Koivisto <
ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi> wrote:

> *Hi everyone, *
> Apologies if my question is obvious, Linux is something new to me. All
> tips are appreciated. I have two questions:
> *1)* I’m looking to install GDAL native libraries for my Linux Debian
> server. But Debian seems not to be listed on this download page (
> https://demo.geo-solutions.it/share/github/imageio-ext/
> releases/native/gdal/1.9.2/linux/). *Is Debian not supported for GDAL or
> what am I missing?*
> *2) *A client to whom I’m preparing the Geoserver has handed me some
> ECW-files and as far as I understand this has been debuted a bit concerning
> it’s license. *Can anyone elaborate on usage restrictions of ECW-files on
> a server environment as of today?* The client is a municipality and
> intended use is non-commercial (different definitions of course exist).
> Assumable, they don’t have a license, but rather a third party data
> provider has simply handed the data sets in ecw-format.
> *Cheers,*
> Ville Koivisto
> +35840 701 4283
> GIS Expert
> Suomen kuntotekniikka Oy
> [image: KUNTO TEKNIIKKA logo transparent FF9900]
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