I have a problem with a poligons crossing date line that looks like a bug. 
Because of some special featueres I can't split such a polygons on two parts, 
and move another one at the negative longitude. Thats why I'm trying to use 
continuous map wrapping for that.
Steps to reproduce a problem:
1. Create a layer from Postgresql with such sql code: 
SELECT 1 as id, ST_makePolygon(st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(150 65, 175 65, 175 
55, 150 55, 150 65)'))
SELECT 2 as id, ST_makePolygon(st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(-175 65, -155 65, 
-155 55, -175 55, -175 65)'))
SELECT 3 as id, ST_makePolygon(st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(150 60, 210 60, 210 
50, 150 50, 150 60)'))

2. Turn on advanced projection handling and enable continuous map wrapping
3. Open created layer for watching

At first you will see continiously repeating three rectangles. If you go zoom 
at near 180 degrees all three polygons will be visible on any zoom level
But If you will go to -179 degrees and zoom in there, big rectangle which 
crosses date line will just disappear at some zoom ( Scale = 1 : 4M for me). 
You have to zoom in at >-180 area, so disappears only part which situated in 
>180 area. Moreover if you click at 182 degrees, you will see to items found 
under mouse tip(id 2, 3). if you click at 179 degrees you will get ids 1, 3. 
But when click at -179 get only id 2, although rectangle 3 has not disappeared 
It seems that at the beginning it usees both areas for rendering (I mean >-179 
and >181 degrees), but then it starts to use only >-179 area.
Moreover if you go at -1300 and more, all rectangles disappear at the first 
scale like 1 : 558M.
If you need I can provide screenshots, or some more information.

Sincerely yours, Igor Pronin

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