On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:08 PM Ville Koivisto <
ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi> wrote:

> *Hi, *
> Thanks for the detailed answer. It’s a good hint to check geoserver logs,
> I didn’t realize that.
> I still think QGIS/Geoserver SLD matching would is important since clients
> (municipalities in my case) are often capable of creating a style in QGIS,
> but not writing CSS or SLD from a template. If we’re speaking about
> planners or engineers and so on, not about GIS personnel.

Hi Ville,
there has been some work on that direction, but it's suffering from lack of
A few years ago QGIS SLD generator was emitting invalid SLD (sometimes not
even valid XML), I have worked on a bunch of fixes for that in the FOSS4G
2016 code sprint, in Bonn, that got merged, and are available
in the latest versions of QGIS 2.18.x. You can read about them in this blog
post: https://www.geo-solutions.it/blog/qgis-sld-export/

Then GeoSolutions started a crowdfunding initiative in 2016, links here:

   - Blog:
   - Cost estimates for the various bits:

The crowdfunding failed (did not even reach 500EUR), but OpenGeoGroep
stepped in and provided funding for one item, the labelling export, which
then landed in QGIS 3.0.
OSGeo UK also provided some small funds that we are (hopefully) going to
use to start the raster export item.

We'd need to rally together some of those public administrations you're
talking about and have them fund some of that work,
I'm quite sure it's not going to happen in any other way.... the clear need
for it has been there for years, but significant movement
happened only with single person initiatives crushing a lot of spare time
on it, or organisations large enough to fund a chunk of the work.
I was happy to do to the initial work to get the ball rolling, but it's
just too big to do on my own, and I've been disappointed by
the community behavior around it, have no plans to continue it in the
future during my spare time.



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