On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 10:30 AM Arnaud L. <arnaud.lis...@codata.eu> wrote:

> Why are the YSLD examples gone ? It looks like they were replaced by
> CSS. Did I make a bad choice with YSLD ?

I've waited some time to answer this one to allow others to chime in, but
it did not happen.
Full disclosure, I am the maintainer of the CSS module and dislike YAML in
any form and shape,
so if you're wondering about my answer being biased, well, it probably is.
Up to you to decide whether to ignore it, or not :-p

Let's have a look at some factual bits:

   - The YSLD module is supposedly maintained, but you'll find no one of
   the people involved with it answering questions about it on this list (at
   least, not recently, I did not look that far back)
   - The language module history shows that most of the changes have been
   made in the last two years have been done as a side effect of some other
   - There are pull requests made against the module that are months old,
   and being ignored, see https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/2076 ,
   although there are also some being looked at,

The module did not get replaced by CSS, if anything, it tried to play the
opposite game (being the replacement for CSS), but without an active
maintainership, it looks like it's falling a bit on the sidelines. One
could also say that the code is "done", which would be at least partially
fair (not fully, as the rendering engine changes, the authors should keep
up with it), however this is not addressing the lack of user support.

That said, one of the nice things about open source is that anyone
interested in the future of the module can become maintainer, that is:

   - Answer questions about it on the lists (geotools and geoserver ones)
   - Look at the tickets and try to solve some (no expectation of ETA about
   them, more like "do something when you have time", but without having years
   in between of course)
   - Review pull requests about it, help keep the module working in face of
   large codebase changes, assist other developers trying to figure out how
   the module works


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