
I'm following the example mapping file here to map a simple attribute field 
from another table multiple times:


This is the mapping file:







The sourceReference attribute is defined in 
http://schemas.earthresourceml.org/2.0/mineralOccurrence.xsd as:

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="sourceReference" nillable="true">
                <extension base="gml:AbstractMetadataPropertyType">
                  <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

But I get this error:

Error occurred getting featuresjava.util.NoSuchElementException: No top level 
element found in schemas: 
{http://xmlns.earthresourceml.org/EarthResource/2.0}sourceReferenceNo top level 
element found in schemas: 

I've seen this error before, when trying to map gml:metadataProperty, which I 
managed to get around using the targetAttributeNode, eg:



But in the case of er:soruceReference, there is no node to map to. It's a 
reference intended to have xlink:href and xlink:title attributes. Is there a 
solution here?


Michael Sexton

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