Hi list

I have approximately 160 layers  stored in postgis. The layers was loaded
automatically using the geoserver api rest. Recurrently postgres runs out
of available connections. (FATAL:  remaining connection slots are reserved
for non-replication superuser connections) .
Reviewing the data stores, I found that none of the parameters are set.
According to the geoserver documentation [1], it is indicated that they
must be configured for each data store. The question is: is there any way
to configure the parameters in bulk, using the api rest of geoserver? since
doing it one by one is a tedious task.



Pablo J. Zader
Lic. en Cs. de la Computación + MSc. en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y
Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Av. Valpáraíso s/n Ciudad Universitaria
 [image: skype] [image: linkedIn]

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sobre cosas...  Los Hombres Pequeños hablan.. de otros Hombres.*

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