The thread was referring to a grammar that's used for documentation, not
the actual one used to generate code.
The actual grammar rule is here:

So grammar wise, it seems that anything can be used as long as it's double
quoted (single quotes mark a string literal instead).
That however does not automatically mean one can freely use whatever
character in identifiers in a WMS request, there is also the
request parsing involved, the potential SQL encoding of the filter and so
It could break at any point in the chain. If you or anyone in your group
can set up a developer environment, let us know, we can
give you some quick indications on where to set the breakpoints


On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 12:25 PM David Persson <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, the request is url-encoded. The ECQL parser (geoserver log
> level==debug) gives "..5918, VERSION=1.1.1, SERVICE=WMS, TRANSPARENT=true,
> CQL_FILTER='Datafångstmetod' = 'Karta över Hagbysjön och Borsten 1950.
> Handdig'}" and the postgresql logs "..FROM
> "public"."sokvyx_djupdata_djuppunkter_vy_2" WHERE 0 = 1" instead of "WHERE
> <proper statement>" when we enclose the attribute and value in single
> quotation marks. And we then receive a WMS image without features. (If use
> double quotation marks the Geoserver debug log mentions that the filter
> could not be parsed). So it looks right from Geoservers debug logs but
> evidently the right WHERE isn't sent to postgresql (or postresql doesn't
> throw an error for this but merely "WHERE 0 = 1")
> It's the same for attributes with a space in the name as with high ASCIIS
> like "Datafångstmetod".
> (These queries work well when put directly to postgresql)
> I saw this thread
> which indicates that at least spaces in attribute names are impossible for
> ecql, period, so maybe this is the case and the same for high ASCIIS?
> Regards
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 4:42 PM Ian Turton <> wrote:
>> Did you try urlencoding the filter? in general it's a bad idea to have
>> spaces in your table or column names. Failing that, you'll need to look at
>> the log file and see if the request is failing in the ECQL parser or the
>> query sent to PostGIS.
>> Ian
>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 15:14, David Persson <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We've published layers in geoserver based on postgresql views where some
>>> columns contain spaces and å ä ö currently. Right now we are trying to
>>> employ ecql filters with getMap requests and are finding it hard/impossible
>>> to receive an expected reply when the query contains an attribute (column
>>> name in the view / property) that contains å ä ö or a space.
>>> We've tried a number of combinations with single and double quotes
>>> around the property and property + value . If the property has single
>>> quotation marks aroun, or the property and value have single quotations
>>> around them, the getmap is succesfull but the image returned contains no
>>> features even if expected to have them.
>>> If seemingly any combination of double quotation marks ( " ) are
>>> employed we get an ecql exception.
>>> (spaces and high asciis are okay as values to search for)
>>> Is there any way to filter a getMap on a property that contains spaces
>>> or high ASCIIs?
>>> Friendly regards,
>>> David.
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>> --
>> Ian Turton
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Regards, Andrea Aime

== GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf
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