The http response status code 415 tells you that you posted with an unsupported media type. You set the type to "text/plain" which GeoServer apparently doesn't support for this type of request. For NetCDF files change your content type header to "Content-Type: application/x-netcdf". Moreover, when you want to overwrite the NetCDF file, you are missing "{method}.{format}" in your url. So in your case it would be "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/myworkspace/coveragestores/mycoveragestore name/file.netcdf".

On 08.03.23 12:44, Matina Nikolopoulou wrote:
Thank you very much Martin,
by copy-paste  my file manually and using POST reset I can see the updated one, but still I haven't managed to use the Put request  to automatically overwrite the .nc file and see what happens. I use curl -u admin:geoserver -v -XPUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "file:///the path/name of the .nc" "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/myworkspace/coveragestores/mycoveragestore name" but there is no replacement, no overwriting. I receive HTTP/1.1 415. I am new to these things.
Kind Regards,

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 2:06 PM Martin Pontius <> wrote:

    Hi Matina,

    how about a PUT request against the coverage store endpoint

    This should make the update. However, I don't know if you need to
    do anything in addition with caching in order to properly work
    with WMS.

    Kind regards,

    On 07.03.23 12:19, Matina Nikolopoulou wrote:
    I am trying the update with geoserver rest api for
    coveragestores, by POST. Is that possible? I have one netcdf
    store, I don't use mosaic.

    On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 12:27 PM Matina Nikolopoulou
    <> wrote:

        Hello, I am working on a project where I uploaded  a netcdf
        file with  time dimension, I use WMS service  and this .nc
        has to be updated on a daily basis.

        I have updated the file with the new one but wms still
        services the previous one. Do you have any idea how this can
        be achieved automatically without republishing the file?

        Thank you

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Martin Pontius
52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH
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