
NOTE: test cases are mostly turned off for "maven 2" and non-functional in "maven 1". I ran the tests in eclipse and they pass. NOTE: I had awful trouble moving my changes from 2.2.x to trunk. As I mentioned last week, I made a bunch of changes to improve performance and fix bugs. I'm now commiting the changes, so I'm telling you again.

Everything should work as before, but be faster. I made a few changes to the labeling algorithm so if you dont like the new way let me know whats different and why it looks "bad". The new labeling algorithm is faster.

1. main
* added LiteCoordinateSequence & ...Factory to org.geotools.util so it can be shared.
  * added StyleAttributeExtractorTruncated which is a subclass of
StyleAttributeExtractor but doesnt pickup 'things' that are directly grabbed from the feature during rendering -- ie. Geometry, TextSymbolizer's label, TextSymbolizer's priority. See the javadoc. This fixed a bug in the renderer and gave a "free"
    performance boost.
  * StyleAttributeExtractor - added javadocs
  * CompareFilterImpl - fixed several bugs & increased performance
     (unable to apply to trunk)
  * JDBC1DataStore -- changed default fetch size from 200 to 1000

2. PostGIS
  * added (optimized) class.  This is a public domain library.
* changed WKB parser to optimized WKB parser (slightly modified JTS version)
  * WKB parser uses ObjectInputStream.readDoubles() native method to parse
    doubles.  Falls back to a 100% pure java method if there's problems.
* uses the LiteCoordinateSequenceFactory to make Geometries instead of the
    default JTS version.
3. Renderer
* moved LiteCoordinateSequence & ...Factory to org.geotools.util so it can be shared. * changed the line labeler so it networks using an approx O(n) algorithm instead of the old O(N*N) * line labeler now chooses the rotation of the line based on the instantaneous slope of the line at the label point instead of the slope between the 1st and last point. Some cases this is better, some cases its slight worse. Its easy to change back if there's feedback.
  * new line iterator "LiteIterator2"
  * decimation changed so its more efficient.
  * use LiteCoordinateSequences

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