AttendingTorben Barsballe
Andrea Aime
Nuno Oliveira

Actions from Last Meeting * Propose moving Spatiallite to unsupported on 
Mailing Lists [DONE]
 * Ask for volunteers for Java 11 milestone release [DONE]

Agenda * Java 11 Milestone release - When
 * 2.13.4 release - volunteers
 * Move meeting forward 1 hour?
 * Travis builds failing
Actions * [Andrea] Ask on list for 2.13.4 release volunteers
Java 11 Milestone
release - WhenJust avoid the 2.13.4 release timeframe (so not Dec 18th)

Chit chat notes about jdk 8 longer term support:

2.13.4 release - volunteersAndrea to send mail to list

Move meeting forward 1 hourAll attendees support this, confirm on list.

Travis builds failingGeoTools builds failing since Friday - currently just 
master, but other branches were having trouble.
Jenkins GeoTools is also running into trouble as of Monday

Seems like it could be a repository issue?

Nuno Oliveira
GeoServer Professional Services from the
Visit for more information.

Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272


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