Hi Andrea,

Thanks for the heads-up!

I will prepare a pull request to enable online tests for the SAP HANA data 
store. It might take some weeks until it's done, but I think it will be done 
long before September 2022.


From: Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 7:36 PM
To: Uhrig, Stefan <stefan.uh...@sap.com>; Geotools-Devel list 
Subject: Automated tests for GeoTools SAP HANA store

Hi Stefan (hello GT developers!),
I'm contacting you about the GeoTools SAP HANA data store, because you're the 
that did (from the commits I see at least) most of the work on it.

In GeoTools we are discussing dropping down to unsupported any data store that:

  *   Requires online testing
  *   Does not have online tests for it running in Github actions
The rationale is simple: we keep on making changes to GeoTools and we have no 
if those stores are bit-rotting because of them. If a change breaks a stores, 
we want
to know right away.

Currently, most JDBC stores have a Github action workflow testing them:

The two that do not are Teradata and HANA.

Teradata is going to be immediately pushed down to unsupported because it has 
received new commits in a long while, and people that maintained it are gone: 
it looks
dead for all intents and purposes.

HANA seems to be more active and we have someone to contact instead (hence this 
You don't need to add a Github workflow right now, we decided to re-evaluate the
HANA position is six months so ... plenty of time, no rush.

If in September 2022 we'll find the module has no builds running its tests, then
we'll demote the module to unsupported status.
Hope you'll understand.


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