GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2024-02-13Attending


   Peter Smythe

   Gabriel Roldan

   Jody Garnett

   Torben Barsballe

   Andrea Aime

   Jukka Rahkonen

   Kevin Smith

Actions from prior meetings:


   [DONE] Peter: Make a PR to update the PSC list (in the developers guide)
   gabe: Please help with review of #7156

   [DONE] Peter: Check-in with Brad to see how we can help/plan 🙂

   Peter: Share new wiki pages with the community

   [WIP] gabe: Will make a PR for parallel loader

   andrea: add peter to the security vulnerabilities issues



   Release schedule

   mkdocs update

   Discourse update

   github security advisory graph question

   Worldwide installations of GeoServers

   Firefox redirection

   GEOS-11284 Promote community module "datadir catalog loader" to core

   GEOT-7411 App-schema performance improvement in setting attribute values

   SLD Arrow Regression

   JNDI documentation critical fix

   “www” no longer serving JS apps



   Peter: create a sed script to fix email addresses in sourceforge lists

   Jody: setup a github workflow to use dependency submission API

Release schedule

GeoTools 29.5 / GeoServer 2.23.5 this month

Need a volunteer - Andrea will ask around GeoSolutions but no promises.
Fallback: Peter

Next RC cycle (2.25) is also approaching.

Adjusting release schedule to avoid extra 2.24 stable release…

Several potentially large changes outstanding:


   Wicket 9 <> (postpone to

   Resources and Paths API

      one legit bug on windows

      Firefox redirectionand stuck on difference of opinion on API meaning
      (need to clarify javadoc)

      action: gabe: volunteer to check in on this later in the month
      (breakout meeting)

   startup enhancements (should be good)

   mkdocs (branch <>)
   (timing would be good)

sidebar: Handling of WPS results with respect of ResourceStore and multiple


   there is some other way to handle that, can check system property

   ideally a blob storage would be good for shared WPS output

   Configure in WPS administration panel, where to share output

mkdocs update

Download directives now work:


   docs/introduciton/download/download.txt - lists “external” files

   docs/introduction/download/.gitignore - to avoid storing duplicate files

   mkdocs.yml has a hook to code to read download.txt above

Example of using {{ version }} and {{ release }}:


   Short term {{ release }}

   Jody would like to grab these from pom.xml (this would be a change to
   release procedure)

   Or can we determine from git history

   I cannot determine with git because our tags are not on our branch, ours
   are not :)

Can we convert the chinese docs:


   yes we could, there is a language chooser

   can convert chinese docs later, run the script, need a native speaker to

   jody has a script to convert language, but need a native speaker to
   review results

Discourse update

Migration broken by SF anonymization…

Action: Peter to create a sed script to fix email addresses
github security advisory graph question

A change to a published vulnerability came in from Mark:


   Q: why is this not being made to our geoserver one?

Fundamental questions:


   For a vulnerability in gs-web-core …

   Do we also record gs-web-app? For the war overlay use?

   Do we also record against the war for download use

   Do we also record against the windows installer …

   Would this change for wps extension?

Jody’s expectation is to write down the most specific thing … and trust the

The answer provided by dependabot is a github action, that would run for
each tag, that would publish the “graph” based on the pom.xml file


      No it does not handle maven pom.xml directly, there is an action that
      processes the dependency:tree into the “graph” used by the tools

   would it be smart enough for profiles?

action: setup a github workflow to use dependency submission API
Worldwide installations of GeoServers

Nope: (also )

SourceForge downloads used to give some view GeoServer - Browse /GeoServer
<> but people
are installing by other means as well.

Note docker is downloading extensions from SF on each startup (almost like
a phone home)
Firefox redirection

Not quite sure where the problem is, Jody uses firefox for testing and has
not noticed anything.

Jukka made a test. Works for him with GS 2.24.2 and Firefox version
GEOS-11284 Promote community module "datadir catalog loader" to core

Gabe is working, and has three things left (app-schema, sld-service,
metadata …)


   Has been adding tests, and finding glitches

   The update process was setting up info’s with reference to the “old”
   (non updated) catalog

GEOT-7411 App-schema performance improvement in setting attribute values

Same failures as without the changes.

Gabriel to look into fixing some of the existing failures too!
SLD Arrow Regression

It looks like this was not noticed during release-candidate testing (which
is when we allocate some time to fix regressions),

Checking around everyone is indeed using; resource time/funding would be
required to make this more general again.
JNDI documentation critical fix

Critical? JNDI tomcat documentation properties was incorrect:


   Our docs indicate Tomcat JNDI setting uses maxActive

   Tomcat 8 now uses maxTotal

   …. quiet about ignoring the old maxActive setting, defaulting to 8

Docs are now fixed:



Action: Highlight in release notes
“www” no longer serving JS apps

That is probably a consequence of recent header changes



   Feedback is to have a setting to disable FilePublisher (www folder),
   rather than force all content there to text/html (which defeats the reason
   to have a www folder).

   Discussion will continue on PR
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