GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2024-05-07Attending


   David Blasby

   Peter Smythe

   Jody Garnett

   Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meeting:


   [DONE] Jody: Make a PR for GSIP 224

   [DONE] Peter: Make a similar proposal for GeoTools

   [DONE] Jody: Make a Proposal for geoserver-users transition to discourse



   GSIP-224 - Individual contributor clarification

   GSIP-223 - Community module graduation, amending generality rule

   GSIP-222 - Promote Raster Attribute Table module to extension

   GSIP-225 - Migrate geoserver-users from SourceForge to discourse

   Security roles internals

   Record of meeting minutes



   Jody: Make a ticket about GROUP_ADMIN not having permission to create a
   new user (GEOS-10938 <>)

   Jody: Make a ticket on clean up of admin roles and constants (GEOS-11389

   Jody: Open a ticket to refine Demo Page Javascript rewrite (GEOS-11390

GSIP-224 - Individual contributor clarification


   Is this done? yes

GSIP-223 - Community module graduation, amending generality rule

No PR, Jody made a PR? Can we merge …

   - done

   Does this need backport? Probably not since we only publish from main …

GSIP-222 - Promote Raster Attribute Table module to extension

What is the status?


   Proposal was not completed by the time the release window…

   Not sure if this is merged can we check? Yes …

   2.25 and main!

   Updated Proposals <>
   page to indicate this is complete

GSIP-225 - Migrate geoserver-users from SourceForge to discourse


   Proposal was made, and approved

What happens next:


   user list to discourse is a go, we will wait on SAC for the change

   Expected some kind of PR for the website to provide instructions

   Then notify users of the change

   Proposal has shutting down the SF list after 1 month, and migrate any
   additional messages over

See proposal for details …

Encouragement from mastodon:

GeoTools proposal for individual contributors

50% response rate …


   Torben is away so assume +0

   No objections

   Likely to pass on May 9th :D

Could probably safely start the PR 😀
Security roles internals

Email questions


   Hard to talk about due to naming “role_admin” “admin”

   Sometimes objects, sometimes strings



   This is for the user interface, it unlocks the data admin console screens



   This is the “root” kind of access, often used for the REST API

   Unlocks all the admin console for all the screens



   Unlocks the security admin console screens

The is parsed:


   The constants from
   define the role objects

GeoServerRole ADMIN_ROLE = new GeoServerRole("ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR");

GeoServerRole GROUP_ADMIN_ROLE = new GeoServerRole("ROLE_GROUP_ADMIN");


GeoServerRole ANY_ROLE = new GeoServerRole("*");

GeoServerRole ANONYMOUS_ROLE = new GeoServerRole("ROLE_ANONYMOUS");

file is parsed:



Parsed by


   Has its own contents …

String DEFAULT_NAME = "default";



XML Role Service allows you to nominate (for a role service):


   Allows you to grant the internal administrator role to a role defined
   externally (like LDAP)

   Allows you to grant the internal group administrator role to a role
   defined externally (like LDAP)

   Does not have a group admin role; makes sense since they are not using
   the internal screens to manage users…

Trying out on empty data directory:


   Defining a test role with workspace admin access worked as expected,
   data screens unlocked

   Experimenting showed that GROUP_ADMIN did not behave as expected; it
   unlocked the security screen - but we did not have permission to add new

      Action: Make a ticket about GROUP_ADMIN not having permission to
      create a new user

This shows an incomplete migration from GeoServer 2.1 to GeoServer 2.2:


   It would be difficult to clean up, as the constants have become
   intermixed with the defaults in the data directory …

   Andrea is trying with an empty data directory; to see what defaults are
   baked into the the application: -> ADMIN, while ROLE_ADMIN is nowhere to be

Ideas for a cleanup:


   Many places in the code use either one or the other role (some smart
   ones, both)

   Centralize the check that verifies both in a prominent place

   Deprecate one of the two constants, make sure every admin check goes for
   the new method checking both

   Remove the old one from the default geoserver data directory

   Action: Make a ticket on clean up of admin roles and constants GEOS-11389


Record of meeting minutes

Sent to email list for later reference

Also transparency as PSC.

Chit chat

Should we remove the Demo Requests page?


   Not sure how often it is used for training (its original purpose)

   Can it be rewritten in Javascript? Yes if we have a Javascript developer.

   Action: Open a ticket to refine Demo Page Javascript rewrite  GEOS-11390
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