Hello, I have some basic questions on how to link up a new DataStore
we created with GeoServer.  The way I understand it, we need to create
a DataStoreFactory that implements DataStoreFactorSpi and package our
DataStore up in a jar with
META-INF/services/org.geotools.data.DataStoreFactorySpi that contains
the string our.package.name.OurDataStoreFactory

Then do we add that jar to the GeoServer lib path?

One note, since this is a MemoryDataStore -- we don't really have a
need for the params Map that contains things like username/passwd for
database or URL for a file.  I don't do any params key/value checking
in the Factory...it just returns OurDataStore.

However, looking into GeoServer, I am struggling to understand how it
is linked to a WFS FeatureRequest from above.  It seems the main code
that does this is in
org.vfny.geoserver.responses.wfs.FeatureResponse.execute( )

I have reverse-engineered a seq. diagram of this method, but am still
not clear on how GeoServer finds our DataStore.

Can someone point me to the right area to look, or any pointers on
getting a test of a new DataStore working with GeoTools.  My basic
test environment consists of setting a breakpoint in the GeoServer's
org.vfny.geoserver.wfs.servlets.TestWfsPost.doPost( ) and go to the
local URL: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs/TestWfsPost, input some
XML as a WFS request, and then walk through it in Eclipse debugger --
trying to get it linked up with OurDataStore.

Please let me know if I am making any incorrect assumptions, or if
there is a better way.

Thanks in advance,


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