janek a écrit :
> - astronomy maps have reversed west and east (west on right east on left).
> Can geotools handle that?

Yes as far as the "referencing" module and the legacy "j2d" renderer is
concerned. Not sure about the "streaming renderer".

> - in 99.9% spheric coordinates are used, even for calculations. How geotools
> represents data internally? In cartesian system or spheric coordinates?

It depends on the module involved...

- "metadata", "referencing" and "coverage" modules: no assumption,
   you store data using whatever CRS fit your needs, in whatever
   dimension you want (2D, 3D, 4D...).

- "streaming renderer": I don't know. The legacy "j2d" renderer
  was not forcing a particular CRS neither.

- JTS (the geometry library used in many place in Geotools) expect
  a cartesian 2D CRS.


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