> The reason i ask is beacuse very early on when following some of the
> tutorials in my ConstructMap.java i created a constrStyle object passed the
> following:
> // Pass file and feature schema referrence to myCreateStyle function
>        constrStyle.myCreateStyle(file, myFeatureTypeSchema);

There are various ways of doing it but the way I suggested is simple
and should work.  I like simple things :-)

> can be commented away, which i guess is yes :( (all that hardwork)?

My own learning is like that too.  Ratio of code written / code used =
very large number

> I have general question here that i would like to ask, when creating
> styles/symbolizers for a shap file, how does one know what he or she needs
> to create?

You need to know if you're drawing points, lines or polygons.  If
you're not sure what type of geometry a feature is you can query it,
for example...

Geometry geom = (Geometry) aFeature.getDefaultGeometry();
String typeName = geom.getGeometryType();

Hope this helps


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