I'm writing some application using geotools library. As a database I use 
Oracle. There in schemas and tables I have stored numerical values of 
points/lines/polygons and in the other tables alfanumerical values which 
describes some attributes of these geometries. All of them are contected using 
Primary keys. In my App I implemented querylab class where I use cbox to choose 
which schema I want to import to mappane and visualize that data. But now I 
have a problem and I need to join three tables, where in one is sdogeometry and 
in the other two are alpha-numerical values as attributes. To avoid problem of 
redundancy of data the best solution is to join these tables as a view and call 
it to. But I don't know is possible to work with view in geotools, and with a 
cbox? Can you give me some advice?

Thanks in advance,

Mladen Amovic
Teaching assistant of Geoinformatics, GIS and Cartography
Faculty of Arhitecture-Civil Engineering-Geodesy
University of Banja Luka
Mob: +387 65 098 719
e-mail: mamo...@agfbl.org<mailto:mamo...@agfbl.org>
skype: mladen.amovic
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