I have completed the marathon spell check fix of the user documentation for
GeoTools today. If you spot anything that looks wrong please let me know
via the issue tracker. This involved changes to 280 files to fix 7000+
spelling issues (many of these were class names etc with no formatting) so
I may not have seen everything that has changed and so can't rule out the
odd issue.

In future I will be forcing a spelling check into the  documentation build
process (though I need to update the build server software first). I have
updated the documentation build instructions at
https://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/build/install/sphinx.html to
show how to add spell checks. You need to add extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo
','sphinx.ext.extlinks', 'sphinxcontrib.spelling'] to docs/common.py to
force it to run.


Ian Turton
GeoTools-GT2-Users mailing list

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