
A couple of weeks back, I wrote: “I am working on a piece that is going to
focus on questions related to institutional/treaty design and the
determinants of compliance and effectiveness.  I would very much appreciate
anyone sending along recent pieces they have written or know of related to
these topics, as soon as possible.”

Responses from Steven Bernstein, Jessica Green, Kate O’Neill, Jon Hovi,
Graeme Auld, Janina Grabs, Sebastian Oberthur, Wendy Jackson, and Judith Van
Leeuwen led to the following list.

Thanks to all for the helpful suggestions.




Bernstein, Steven, and Benjamin Cashore. 2012. "Complex Global Governance
and Domestic Policies: Four Pathways of Influence." International Affairs 88

Breitmeier, Helmut, Arild Underdal, and Oran R. Young. 2011. "The
effectiveness of international environmental regimes: comparing and
contrasting findings from quantitative research." International Studies
Review 13 (4):579-605.

Brunnée, Jutta, Meinhard Doelle, and Lavanya Rajamani, eds. 2012. Promoting
Compliance in an Evolving Climate Regime. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Busby, Joshua W. 2017. "International Organization and Environmental
Governance." In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, ed.
Anonymous. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grabs, Janina. 2018. The effectiveness of private sustainability governance:
a microinstitutional approach, University of Münster, Münster.

Hackmann, B. 2012. "Analysis of the governance architecture to regulate GHG
emissions from international shipping." International Environmental
Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 12 (1):85-103.

Hovi, Jon, and Arild Underdal. 2018. "Implementation, Compliance, and
Effectiveness of Policies and Institutions." In Global Climate Policy:
Actors, Concepts, and Enduring Challenges, ed. U. Luterbacher and D. F.
Sprinz. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Jackson, Wendy, and Ton Bührs. 2015. "International Environmental Regimes:
Understanding Institutional and Ecological Effectiveness." Journal of
International Wildlife Law & Policy 18 (1):63-83.

Lefeber, René, and Sebastian Oberthür. 2012. "Key Features of the Kyoto
Protocol’s Compliance System." In Promoting Compliance in an Evolving
Climate Regime, ed. J. Brunnée, M. Doelle and L. Rajamani. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Lister, J. 2015. "Green shipping: governing sustainable maritime transport."
Global Policy 6 (2):118-29.

Lister, J., R.T. Poulsen, and S. Ponte. 2015. "Orchestrating transnational
environmental governance in maritime shipping." Global Environmental Change

O'Neill, Kate. 2009. The Environment and International Relations. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.

Oberthür, Sebastian. 2014. "Options for a Compliance Mechanism in a 2015
Climate Agreement." Climate Law 4 (1-2):30-49.

———. 2016. "Compliance under the Evolving Climate Change Regime." In The
Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law, ed. C. P. Carlarne, K.
R. Gray and R. G. Tarasofsky. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Oberthür, Sebastian, and René Lefeber. 2010. "Holding countries to account:
The Kyoto Protocol’s compliance system revisited after four years of
experience." Climate Law 1 (1):133-58.

Oberthür, Sebastian, and Eliza Northrop. 2018. "Towards an Effective
Mechanism to Facilitate Implementation and Promote Compliance under the
Paris Agreement." Climate Law 8 (1-2):39-69.

Renckens, Stefan, and Graeme Auld. 2018. "More than Rules: Transnational
Private Governance and the Verification of Access to Sustainability
Markets." Ottawa: Carleton University.

Seelarbokus, Chenaz B. 2014a. "Assessing the effectiveness of international
environmental agreements: demystifying the issue of data unavailability."
Sage Open 4 (1):1-18.

———. 2014b. "The influence of treaty design on the participation of
developing and developed nations in international environmental agreements
(IEAs)." African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 8

Van Leeuwen, Judith. 2015. "The regionalization of maritime governance:
towards a polycentric governance system for sustainable shipping in the
European Union." Ocean & Coastal Management 117:23-31.

Van Leeuwen, Judith, and K. Kern. 2013. "The external dimension of European
Union marine governance: institutional interplay between the EU and the
international maritime organization." Global Environmental Politics 13

Zhang, H. 2016. "Towards global green shipping: the development of
international regulations on reduction of GHG emissions from ships."
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 16


Ronald Mitchell, Professor

Department of Political Science and Program in Environmental Studies

University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1284 <> 

IEA Database Director:  <>



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