Bugs item #3172964, was opened at 2011-02-04 14:52
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by thepurlieu
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
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Category: Gerber Parser
Group: None
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Ben Rampling (benrampling)
>Assigned to: Julian Lamb (thepurlieu)
Summary: Scale factor (%SF) applied to image, not subsequent blocks

Initial Comment:
The RS274X specification states for the SF parameter:

"All data following the parameter will be multiplied by the factor until 
another SF parameter is encountered."

Currently gerbv seems to apply the last used scale factor to the entire image. 
If you:

1. Draw a OD 1 circle at (1, 1).
2. Set the scale factor to (0.1, 0.1).
3. Draw a circle at (10, 20).
4. Set the scale factor to (1, 1), back to the default.

You would expect the two circles to be touching. Currently in gerbv they do not.

The attached file shows the issue. Rather than two touching circles, it 
displays as two distant circles.

It has been checked in GC-Prevue.

I appreciate the hard work that has been put in to gerbv--it is the best 
implementation of the specification I have seen and I prefer it over other 
viewers for proofing gerbers. However, I'm not currently able to work on 
patches as I'm busy working through the specification trying to determine the 
precise behavior of a number of viewers in areas where the specification is 
vague or ambiguous.


>Comment By: Julian Lamb (thepurlieu)
Date: 2011-02-12 10:55

  Thanks for your investigation(s).  Definitely keep these bugs coming! 
We want gerbv to be as accurate as possible.
   Regarding this bug, I found the 1 line ommission in the code that was
causing this bug.  I've fixed it in git if you want to check it out for
yourself.  I should note that I don't think the circles should actually be
touching.  The second circle will be drawn at 1/10 the diameter of the
first, so it will be much smaller.  If GC-Prevue is showing them as the
same size, I think this is a fault in their software.  Let me know if you
think differently.



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