Patch Set 1:

some debug below - just for time saving.

## stop on Breakpoint after sending packet into tun0
- ipm->pdp null as result gtp_data_req not executed
Breakpoint 1, cb_tun_ind (tun=<optimized out>, pack=0x7fffffffbe40, len=1028) 
at sgsnemu.c:1367
1367            if (ipm->pdp)           /* Check if a peer protocol is defined 
(gdb) print ipm->pdp
$1 = (struct pdp_t *) 0x0
(gdb) list
1362                    printf("Dropping packet from invalid source address: 
1363                           in46a_ntoa(&src));
1364                    return 0;
1365            }
1367            if (ipm->pdp)           /* Check if a peer protocol is defined 
1368                    gtp_data_req(gsn, ipm->pdp, pack, len);
1369            return 0;
1370    }

## new run Breakpoint in create_pdp_conf
Breakpoint 5, create_pdp_conf (cause=<optimized out>, cbp=0x6145a0 <iparr>, 
pdp=0x7ffff79be2e0 <pdpa>) at sgsnemu.c:1465
1465            ipset((struct iphash_t *)pdp->peer, &addr);
(gdb) list
1460                    }
1461                    free(accept_ra);
1462                    free(forwarding);
1463            }
1465            ipset((struct iphash_t *)pdp->peer, &addr);
1467            state = 2;              /* Connected */
1469            return 0;
(gdb) s
ipset (addr=0x7fffffffb500, ipaddr=0x7ffff79be300 <pdpa+32>) at sgsnemu.c:172
172             int hash = ippool_hash(addr) % MAXCONTEXTS;
(gdb) n
176             ipaddr->addr = *addr;
(gdb) print hash
$5 = 165
(gdb) n
177             for (h = iphash[hash]; h; h = h->ipnext)
(gdb) n
175             ipaddr->ipnext = NULL;
(gdb) n
176             ipaddr->addr = *addr;
(gdb) n
177             for (h = iphash[hash]; h; h = h->ipnext)
(gdb) n
create_pdp_conf (cause=<optimized out>, cbp=0x6145a0 <iparr>, 
pdp=0x7ffff79be2e0 <pdpa>) at sgsnemu.c:1465
1465            ipset((struct iphash_t *)pdp->peer, &addr);
(gdb) print iphash[165]
$7 = (struct iphash_t *) 0x0
(gdb) n
1467            state = 2;              /* Connected */
 - as result of `struct iphash_t *)pdp->peer` casting in *iphash[165] we has 
pdp = 0x0

(gdb) print *iphash[165]
$9 = {inuse = 160 '\240', ipnext = 0x0, pdp = 0x0, addr = {len = 4 '\004', {v4 
= {s_addr = 67112970}, v6 = {__in6_u = {
          __u6_addr8 = "\n\020\000\004mQ{\367\377\177\000\000\377\000\000", 
__u6_addr16 = {4106, 1024, 20845, 63355, 32767, 0, 255,
            0}, __u6_addr32 = {67112970, 4152054125, 32767, 255}}}}}}

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: Icd58450548b3a47cb933d70a2e3166c067552b2c
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: osmo-ggsn
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Viktor Tsymbalyuk <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins Builder
Gerrit-Reviewer: Pau Espin Pedrol <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Viktor Tsymbalyuk <>
Gerrit-HasComments: No

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