On 03/18/2011 03:50 PM, bat guano wrote:


A test I did of
time (ffmpeg -i You_and_Yours_-_16_03_2011_b00zf33w_default.aac -ab
128k test.wav; lame test.wav test.mp3)

finished in 4:35 - this is on a core duo at 1.8GHz.
So, 12* or so real-time.

@ Ian
Surely you're performing two processes there?
First converting aac to wav...
then converting wav to mp3.

Would it not be better to use a pipe?

Indeed it would, I couldn't be bothered working out how to get ffmpeg to write, and lame to read from a pipe, as I already knew the syntax to get it to do files.
The time will change slightly, as the decoding and encoding canbe done
on different cores, but not much, as the decoding is so enormously faster.

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