On 16/04/2011 21:33, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
At the time of writing, everything is consistent with what I have posted
in detail in my previous e-mail
When I click this link
my default browser (Firefox) redirects me automatically to this URL

no matter if I have a UK IP or not. What do you get?

Thanks for drilling into this some more. I'm getting the redirect again, with the same results you're seeing: radio and non-HD TV downloads run OK regardless of the "RTMP_HashSWF" error, but HD TV downloads fail with a "Client.SWFVerificiation(sic).Rejected" error from the server. So, it was only a temporary reprieve. Patching get_iplayer with the alternate .swf URL makes everything work OK.

I don't know what the right answer to this would be, if any. It could still be an temporary situation (perhaps not coincidentally occurring over a weeked?). We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. It only affects HD TV downloads, and an easy fix is out there for anyone who really needs it in the near term. Anyone who wants to download a copy of the script with just the swfvfy URL changed can temporarily find one here:


You can then just switch back and forth between versions of get_iplayer if you want HD TV and the downloads aren't working.

Being quite inexperienced with this, I scrolled through "long help" and
previous list postings,
I tried adding at the end of my commands something like this (remember,
I'm on Windows):
-v > "D:\Vangelis\iPlayer Recordings\Log.txt"

The text file is generated OK, but when opened it doesn't show exactly
what was on the command window, notably
the RTMP downloading part is skipped, so are the ffmpeg conversions...So
I'm gonna need some more help with this...)

Add 2>&1 to the very end of your command line. This copies the stderr stream to stdout so everything goes in the log file.

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