On 29/09/2011 00:19, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
I went further and trimmed down the installation folder (C:\Program
Files\get_iplayer) size by:
1. Leaving inside the "rtmpdump/bin" folder only the rtmpdump.exe binary.
2. Leaving inside the "ffmpeg/bin" folder only the ffmpeg.exe binary.
3. Deleting from inside the "mplayer\MPlayer-1.0rc2\" folder the
mencoder.exe & man_page.html files, as get_iplayer does not use either
of them...

I initially changed the current installer to do that trimming automatically, but in the end I decided to be conservative and leave everything in, the rationale being that Windows users wouldn't get any surprises and, as before, receive all the same helper app components that Linux users would get through their package management systems (though I suspect that doesn't matter to most Windows users). If we ever move to a standalone installer, it would definitely make sense to pare down to the bare minimum.

As a result, I have a perfectly functioning (in the way I use it)
installation of get_iplayer with a " Program Files\get_iplayer" folder
size of approximately 33 MB; add to that another

With the current installer, the equivalent trimmed installation would use ~55MB. Most of the extra bulk comes with the updated version of Perl.

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